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1910 E79 Philadelphia Caramel "27 Scrappers" SGC Complete Set (21) - #2 on the SGC Set Registry. With a GPA of 60.6 this set is the #2 set on the SGC Registry. Not to be outdone by the competition, the Philadelphia Caramel Co. sponsored this very well produced set of 21 cards (just as nice as the baseball counterparts) featuring the great fighters of the era and two unique cards teaching you the proper way to make a fist, both cards are among the tougher subjects. Titled "27 Scrappers" the set is a staple in any vintage boxing card collection. This set is Includes: SGC 84 NM 7: 1 card, M. Sullivan; SGC 80 EX/NM 6: 4 cards, Arm and Clinched Fist/Right, Gans & Nelson, Hart and Jeffries; SGC 60 EX 5: 10 cards, Attell, Burns, Y. Corbett, Jeanette, Johnson, Johnson/Cole, Langford, Ketchell, Marto/Nelson and Sharkey; SGC 50 VG/EX 4: 4 cards, Arm and Clinched Fist/Wrong, Fitzsimmons, Kaufman/Sullivan, Johnson/Burns; SGC 40 VG 3: 2 cards, O'Brien/Partner, Rawlins.

Auction Info

Auction Dates
November, 2014
6th-8th Thursday-Saturday
Internet/Mail Bids: 4
Lot Tracking Activity: N/A
Page Views: 581

Buyer's Premium per Lot:
19.5% of the successful bid (minimum $14) per lot.

Sold on Nov 6, 2014 for: Sign-in or Join (free & quick)
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